composition (plural compositions)


composition (plural compositions)
  1. The general makeup of something.
  2. (obsolete) An agreement or treaty used to settle differences; later especially, an agreement to stop hostilities; a truce
  3. The proportion of different parts to make a whole.
  4. (obsolete) An agreement to pay money in order to clear a liability or obligation; a settling. [16th-19th c.]
  5. (law) an agreement or compromise by which a creditor or group of creditors accepts partial payment from a debtor.
  6. A mixture or compound; the result of composing. [from 16th c.]
  7. An essay. [from 16th c.]
  8. (linguistics) The formation of compound words from separate words. [from 16th c.]
  9. A work of music, literature or art. [from 17th c.]
  10. (printing) Typesetting. [from 19th c.]
  11. (mathematics) Applying a function to the result of another.
  12. (obsolete) Consistency; accord; congruity.
  13. Synthesis as opposed to analysis.



Everybody immediately responds to subject matter in art. 

A picture of a butterfly and a picture of a snake do not get the same response.
In addition to subject matter*, the formal aspects of visual composition are like the grammar of a language. In writing, a story is written with words - subject matter. Like good literature and good poetry is more than words and subject matter, art is more than pictures. The organization, the sentence structure, the style, and so on can make or break a good story. In art, the way the formal elements are arranged can make or break a good picture idea.

The use of design principles applied to the visual elements is like visual grammar. When children learn art, it is like learning to read and write the language of vision. When they develop a style of expressing visual ideas, it helps them become visual poets. Looking for the visual effects of design principles does not have to limit an artist's options. It can focus an artist's experimentation and choice making.



  1. a:  the act or process of composing; specifically :  arrangement into specific proportion or relation and especially into artistic form
    b (1) :  the arrangement of type for printing <hand composition>
    (2) :  the production of type or typographic characters (as in photocomposition) arranged for printing
:  the manner in which something is composed
b :  general makeup <the changing ethnic composition of the city — Leonard Buder>
c :  the qualitative and quantitative makeup of a chemical compound
:  mutual settlement or agreement
:  a product of mixing or combining various elements or ingredients
:  an intellectual creation: as
a :  a piece of writing; especially :  a school exercise in the form of a brief essay
b :  a written piece of music especially of considerable size and complexity
:  the quality or state of being compound
:  the operation of forming a composite function; also :  composite function



Word Origin and History for composition
late 14c., "action of combining," also "manner in which a thing is composed," from Old French composicion (13c., Modern French composition) "composition, make-up, literary work, agreement, settlement," from Latin compositionem (nominative compositio) "a putting together, connecting, arranging," noun of action from past participle stem of componere (see composite ). Meaning "art of constructing sentences" is from 1550s; that of "literary production" (often also "writing exercise for students") is from c.1600. Printing sense is 1832; meaning "arrangement of parts in a picture" is from 1706.




In the visual arts—in particular painting, graphic design, photography, and sculpture—composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art.
The term composition means 'putting together,' and can apply to any work of art, from music to writing to photography, that is arranged or put together using conscious thought. In the visual arts, composition is often used interchangeably with various terms such as design, form, visual ordering, or formal structure, depending on the context. In graphic design for press and desktop publishing composition is commonly referred to as page layout

Reseach Metdhology


What is case study research?

Whilst it is possible for dissertations to be entirely literature-based, the most common form of dissertation takes the form of a case study. Here the focus of attention is on a particular community, organisation or set of documents. The attraction of this kind of dissertation is that it stems from empirical curiosity but is at the same time practical. You may be interested in a wider question but a case study enables you to focus on a specific example. A major challenge in case study dissertations is connecting your own primary research or re-analysis with the broader theoretical themes and empirical concerns of the existing literature.

What's an empirical study?

Most dissertations demand either primary or secondary research. In other words, you usually have to analyse data that you have either collected yourself or data that is already available. The reason for this is that the questions dissertations usually address take the following form: Is x happening? Is x changing? Why is x happening? Why is x changing? These questions demand primary or secondary analysis of data.





The way you approach your question will have a profound effect upon the way you construct your dissertation, so this section discusses the types of research you might undertake for your dissertation.  The use of literature and case studies is considered and the merits of primary research are debated and advice is given on the use of existing research data. You may not be fond of statistics, but the potential relevance of a quantitative approach should be considered and similarly, the idea of qualitative analysis and conducting your own research may yield valuable data. The possibilities of using quantitative and qualitative data are also discussed.

Reseach Methodology





Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques

A methodology does not set out to provide solutions - it is, therefore, not the same thing as a method. Instead, it offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods or so called “best practices” can be applied to specific case, for example, to calculate a specific result.
It has been defined also as follows:
  1. "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline";
  2. "the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline"
  3. "the study or description of methods"




The article presents the programme of 'subjectively'-oriented cognitive semantics. The programme was launched about twenty years ago and has been consistently developed by its author, his co-workers and followers ever since. The tenets of author's cognitive grammar concern the conceptual and subject-oriented nature of meaning, the question of linguistic meanings vis-a-vis the knowledge of the world, and above all the view of meaning as embedded in the network of 'categorial relations'. This programmatic article contains important and still inspiring conceptions of linguistic imagery (or construal), its dimensions, such as the level of specificity (the detail, 'granularity', or resolution) of the image, its scope of predication, the role of compositional paths in interpreting meanings, the notion of 'perspective' and the mental construction of spaces by the conceptualizing and speaking subject.



Musical experience shapes human brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch patterns

Music and speech are very cognitively demanding auditory phenomena generally attributed to cortical rather than subcortical circuitry. We examined brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch and found that musicians show more robust and faithful encoding compared with nonmusicians. These results not only implicate a common subcortical manifestation for two presumed cortical functions, but also a possible reciprocity of corticofugal speech and music tuning, providing neurophysiological explanations for musicians' higher language-learning ability.
  1. The Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  2. Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  3. Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  4. Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  5. These authors contributed equally to this work



Linguistic has related to the people because it studies about language, it is mean that linguistic focus in language how the language formed, meaning and context. This is study, just focus in structure or grammar of language especially in morphology aspect. “The first subfield of linguistics is the study of language structure, or grammar. This focuses on the system of rules followed by the users of a language. It includes the study of morphology (the formation and composition of words), syntax (the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from these words), and phonology (sound systems)” 
People must understand structure of language and can use it as well as possible; language is needed by people so far they need to interaction with each other. Therefore, we must understand it. People not only understand but also how the way uses a good language to commutate each other. As we see today, communication is very need by all people because first tool of interaction is language. Wedrana Mihalicek et al (2011: 7) said “when you use language, you use it to communicate an idea from your mind to the mind of some else”.
Human life in the world need to interaction with the other people to cover our need. In addition, we cannot life as individual in this world and we must make interaction and communication each other. In their interaction and communication, we must use tool to understand what we want. Language as a toll of communication so if we understand and be able to use it as well as we can interact and communicate with each other but if we do not understand and cannot use it as well as, we cannot interact and communicate with them.
As we know in our interaction, language as tool of communication to express our need like thoughts and feeling and this fact like A.S Hornby (1995: 662) say “language is system of sounds and word used by human to express their thoughts and feeling“. Therefore, we must learn language to understand people’s thoughts and feeling and to understand and use language we must understand the pattern because language has some of pattern to construct it sentence, phrase and word, like how to mike like become dislike. English is one of popular language in this era and English has some of pattern to construct it word, phrase and sentences.
One of pattern in English language about how a word has same meanings because of addition some of Alfa bates in beginning or end of word. This pattern called morphology in English. Morphology in English language has different processes and some of them make new meaning and part of speech.

Reseach Methodology


 Reseach Methodology

A. Methodology of the Researh This paper conducts an experimental method. Some views on the definition of the experimental method stated as follow: Surakhmad (1989:29) states that: “Experimental research is the method of the research which explain the data for predicting the events in the future”
Suryabrata (2003:58) states that experimental design is; “The experiment research is oriented to observe possibility of causal- effect by giving treatment to on or more experimental groups, within it on or more condition of treatment trying to compare the result of the samples”
Base on the statement above, the writer could determine that experimental research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the possibility of causal-effect by giving treatment to compare the result. The method that used in this research is descriptive quantitative method, where it uses a field as an object observation describing a situation in the present time. In this paper, the writer tries to find out significance between the implementation of the role-play in teaching learning activities, and it significance in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

B. Population and Sample 1. Population According to H. Muhammad Ali, (1992:5) “If the sample really represent of population, what is known about the sample is our knowledge of the population. The implication is, if the research which used really represent of population, so done generally to the population”.
While according to Arikunto, (1998:115-117) states that: “Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of population”.
In this case, the writer has chosen the seventh grade of SMP Negeri I Indramayu.
2.Sample The sample to be investigated is taken randomly. The number of sample is 40 students as the experimental or as an experimental group. In this case the writer chooses 40 students as the control group as the comparer to the sample.

C. Place and Time
The place of research that conducted by the writer is; SMP Negeri I – Indramayu. The observation is done on March 6, up to 6 of June 2009.

D. Data Collection To get collecting the objective data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:
1.Observation Observation or Study is an activity to do measuring, by using some instruments or questions to get the data. In this paper, the writer will observe the things that relate to the research process, which can support result of the data such as the condition of class, the students’ capacity in English skill or the condition of population, the technique of teaching vocabulary, the material, and the realia using in the class.
2.Test The writer observes variables and collects the data by using test as the main instrument. It consists of: 1.The Pre test 2.The Post test a.Pre-test: the first test before the writer applies the method teaching vocabulary by used the Mapping Words technique. b.Post-test: the second test after the writer applied the method teaching of vocabulary by used the Mapping words technique, to know how far distinction of developing student’s mastery in vocabulary. 3.Questionnaires The questionnaires are one of the research instruments. The writer uses the open questioner. It’s only for the English teacher, where the aim to know how far the relationship among methods. The writer has determined the answer to be marked by the respondents (teachers).the writer takes some questions as the research instrument as follows. 1)To dig information deeply, about teaching and learning process. 2)The result is easy to be reported. 3)The respondents will return the questioner quickly

D.Reseach method that will be carried out in experimental research methodology, so the writer will analyses the data by using the formula that explained by Suharsimi Arikunto as follows: Where: t = Test score M= Mean of each group N= Number of subjects X= Deviation of X1 and X2 Y= Deviation of Y1 and Y2




Competent translators show the following attributes:
  • a very good knowledge of the language, written and spoken, from which they are translating (the source language);
  • an excellent command of the language into which they are translating (the target language);
  • familiarity with the subject matter of the text being translated;
  • a profound understanding of the etymological and idiomatic correlates between the two languages; and
  • a finely tuned sense of when to metaphrase ("translate literally") and when to paraphrase, so as to assure true rather than spurious equivalents between the source- and target-language texts.
A competent translator is not only bilingual but bicultural. A language is not merely a collection of words and of rules of grammar and syntax for generating sentences, but also a vast interconnecting system of connotations and cultural references whose mastery, writes linguist Mario Pei, "comes close to being a lifetime job.
The complexity of the translator's task cannot be overstated; one author suggests that becoming an accomplished translator — after having already acquired a good basic knowledge of both languages and cultures — may require a minimum of ten years' experience. Viewed in this light, it is a serious misconception to assume that a person who has fair fluency in two languages will, by virtue of that fact alone, be consistently competent to translate between them.
The translator's role in relation to a text has been compared to that of an artist, e.g., a musician or actor, who interprets a work of art. Translation, like other arts, inescapably involves choice, and choice implies interpretation English-language novelist Joseph Conrad advised his niece and Polish translator Aniela Zagórska:
[D]on't trouble to be too scrupulous... I may tell you (in French) that in my opinion "il vaut mieux interpréter que traduire" ["it is better to interpret than to translate"].... Il s'agit donc de trouver les équivalents. Et là, ma chère, je vous prie laissez vous guider plutôt par votre tempérament que par une conscience sévère.... [It is, then, a question of finding the equivalent expressions. And there, my dear, I beg you to let yourself be guided more by your temperament than by a strict conscience.

Translation Definition


Translation Definition

Translation is a term used in geometry to describe a function that moves an object a certain distance. The object is not altered in any other way. It is not rotated, reflected or re-sized.

In a translation, every point of the object must be moved in the same direction and for the same distance.
When you are performing a translation, the initial object is called the pre-image, and the object after the translation is called the image. So, in the picture above, the rust-colored item is the pre-image, and the blue item is the image. We know this because the arrow tells us the direction in which the image was moved. For other images, you might be told which image is the pre-image, or you might be asked to find either the pre-image from the image, or vice versa.

How to Perform Translations

When working with translation problems, the information may be presented in different ways.
You may be given a figure drawn on the coordinate plane like this:

Then you will be asked to translate the figure. You will be given a distance and direction for the transformation.
For example, translate the figure down 7.
The way to do this is to take each vertex point individually and count down 7. So the point at (1, 5) will move to (1, -2). Notice we did not move the vertex along the x-axis, or horizontal direction. The instructions asked us to move it down only, along the y-axis.

Definisi about Structure


 Definisi about Structure

Structure is a powerful add-on that lets you create pages, generate navigation, manage content through a simple interface and build robust sites faster than ever. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates “static” and “listing” pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. Now, traditional page style content and multiple entry pages can live within the same area. Your clients & authors will rejoice.




1. the manner in which something is constructed.
2. the manner in which the elements of anything are organized or interrelated: the structure of a poem; the structure of protein.
3. something constructed, as a building or bridge.
4. anything composed of organized or interrelated elements.
5. the construction and arrangement of body parts, tissues, or organs.
a. the attitude of a bed or stratum or of beds or strata of sedimentary rocks, as indicated by the dip and strike.
b. the coarser composition of a rock, as contrasted with its texture.
7. the manner in which atoms in a molecule are joined to each other, esp. as represented in organic chemistry.
8. the pattern or system of beliefs, relationships, institutions, etc., in a social group or society.
9. to give a structure to; organize.



  1. mode of building, construction, or organization; arrangement of parts, elements, or constituents:a pyramidal structure.
  2. something built or constructed, as a building, bridge, or dam.a complex system considered from the point of view of the whole rather than of any single part:
  3. the structure of modern science.
  4. anything composed of parts arranged together in some way; an organization.
  5. the relationship or organization of the component parts of a work of art or literature:
  6. the structure of a poem.
  7. Biology. mode of organization; construction and arrangement of tissues, parts, or organs. 7. Geology.
  8. the attitude of a bed or stratum or of beds or strata of sedimentary rocks, as indicated by the dip and strike.
  9. the coarser composition of a rock, as contrasted with its texture.



Another proof that he was a native of the universal country was apparent in the fact of his knowing no other Italian words than the terms used in music, and which like the "goddam" of Figaro, served all possible linguistic requirements.
In the following lectures, accordingly, this term will disappear until we have dealt with words, when it will re-emerge as mainly a trivial and unimportant outcome of linguistic habits.




Listening is often confused with hearing. While hearing is a process that can be scientifically explained, listening is a neurological cognitive regarding the processing of auditory stimuli received by the auditory system.

Roland Barthes, a linguist, distinguishes between hearing and listening, stating, "Hearing is a physiological phenomenon; listening is a psychological act." Barthes also states that "whereas for centuries listening could be defined as an intentional act of it is granted the power (and virtually the function) of playing over unknown spaces " including unconscious forms.[1] Hearing is always occurring, most of the time subconsciously. Listening is the interpretative action taken by the listener in order to understand and potentially make meaning out of the sound waves. Listening can be understood on three levels: alerting, deciphering, and an understanding of how the sound is produced and how the sound affects the listener.[2]
Alerting, the first level, does nothing to distinguish human from animal. At the alerting level one merely picks up on certain environmental sound cues. While discussing this level, Barthes mentions the idea of territory being demarcated by sounds. This is best explained using the example of one's home. One's home, for instance, has certain sounds associated with it that make it familiar and comfortable. An intrusion sound (e.g. a squeaking door or floorboard, a breaking window) alerts the dweller of the home to the potential danger.

In a metaphorical way, deciphering, the second level, is to listening what digestion is to eating. An example of this level is that of a child waiting for the sound of his mother's return home. In this scenario the child is waiting to pick up on sound cues (e.g. jingling keys, the turn of the doorknob, etc.) that will mark his mother's approach.

About Active Listening


About Active Listening

The way to improve your listening skills is to practice "active listening." This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent.
In order to do this you must pay attention to the other person very carefully.
You cannot allow yourself to become distracted by whatever else may be going on around you, or by forming counter arguments that you'll make when the other person stops speaking. Nor can you allow yourself to get bored, and lose focus on what the other person is saying. All of these contribute to a lack of listening and understanding.


If you're finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, try repeating their words mentally as they say them – this will reinforce their message and help you stay focused.



Hear What People are Really Saying

Improve your active listening skills,
with James Manktelow & Amy Carlson.
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others.
For instance:
  • We listen to obtain information.
  • We listen to understand.
  • We listen for enjoyment.
  • We listen to learn.
Given all this listening we do, you would think we'd be good at it! In fact most of us are not, and research suggests that we remember between 25 percent and 50 percent of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. This is dismal!
Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren't hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured in your 25-50 percent, but what if they're not?
Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate. What's more, you'll avoid conflict and misunderstandings. All of these are necessary for workplace success!

Free Sex


Free Sex

The honorable our english teacher Ms. Meuti Pebriani S.Pd, and for you all my belove friends. (Addresses).

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Greeting).

First of all, i would like to say thanks for my god SWT who gives me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And thanks for prophet Muhammad SAW who gives me health. So i can stand in front of you all to speak about Free Sex. (Opening).

First of all, we must know clearly that free sex, free sex is sexual intercourse by married couple, and it is not natural for unmarried couple or teenagers in secondary school age, have free sex.
Second, those are the impact of promiscuity, which originated from the parents who just busy with their jobs. So their teenage child receive less attention and affection. The teens didn’t get moral education from their parents, the teenagers are also less in spirituality knowledge, so their faith is weak.
Third, promiscuity causes teens feel free to do whatever they thing their parents will not know if they do things that are not good such as smoking, drugs, liquor, and of course free sex. And from their friends to see pornographic images from magazines, and watch video. Without considering the impact that will happen afterwards, and without remembering their sins to god.

In conclusion. I would like to express that so my belove friends, don’t do sex before your married, because it will damage your future. (Closing).

And thanks for your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).

Sexual Abuse


Sexual Abuse

 The honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a lecture, and all my belove friends. (Addresses).

Good evening everybody. (Greeting).

First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT due to all of his grace and blessing upon as all. Sholawat and salam may everlastingly upon our aduration great prophet Muhammad SAW. I also would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And then i would like to speak about Sexual Abuse. (Opening).

First of all,child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Sexual offenders are usually more likely a relative or acquaintance of the victim of the foreigners. Violations more generally done by men compared to women.
Second, child sexual abuse in addition, the provisions of article 80 ayat (1) UU child protection has also been specifically address chile abuse. By stating : anyone committing atrocities, violence or threats of violence, or child abuse in the criminal with a maximum imprisonmen of 3 years and 6 month or fine to most 72.000.000,-
Third, for parents the following are the features of children who experience sexual abuse: 1.Frequent nightmare, sleeplessness and delirium during sleep. 2. After isolate themselves and looked more glum. 3. No longer  tell its activities in elderly and so quiet. 4. Often feel insecure. 5. And suddenly become a rebel or just full of secrets.

In conclusion. I would like to express that sexual abuse of children we recommend that as parents have to be extra careful keeping children from sexual abuse that could interfere with their  future and fill them with a strong and parental affection and attention for the future of our children. (Closing).

And then thank you a lot of your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).

Gang Dolly


Gang Dolly

The honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a lecture, and all my belove friends. (Addresses).

Good evening everybody. (Greeting). 
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT due to all of his grace and blessing upon as all. Sholawat and salam may everlastingly upon our aduration great prophet Muhammad SAW. I also would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And then i would like to speak about Sexual Abuse. (Opening).

First of all, I would deliver  about contect gang dolly. The first iam going to make concern about gang dolly in surabaya famous since belanda periode  and in a business by a women diceline belanda and then known as Dolly van der mart. Diceline from dolly until now still own in surabaya. Be mixed with occupation who solid in area surabaya. Dolly becomes source luck for side much not just for working sexs, but also owner shop, smoke peddle, seconhand dealer, etc. 

Second, part will concert gang dolly or dolly is a name for prostitution area which located in surabaya, jawa east, indonesia. In this area attraction women in room glass, upon the time this location  is the bigest south east asia, and bigger from patpong in bangkok, tailand, and geylang in singapore.
In conclusion. I would like to express that gang dolly in order that deragate prostitution women in gang dolly. So that generation will not join in that action and indonesia will be better. (Closing).

And then thank you a lot of your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).

Example about speech



Good morning, Ladies and Gentleman..
Our beloved Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)’s glorius teaching us, he said, “Knowledge is like a camel, if you don’t tie it, it will get lost in the desert”. This statement is explained in an other hadith of Abu Dawud, “Tie knowledge by writing it down...” for me, Life is vacation, and “Writing is my vacation from living” (Eugene O’Neill). How about you..?

I am going to talk today about writing, one of the popular hobby. Writing is an exploration. You can write everything. All about your knowledge, life, feel, or imagination maybe. You can know that writing is so important.

First I’ll explain about the advantages of writing and then why that is so important for knowledge.

First, what is the advantage of writing..? As long as we know, Writing has many advantages. But, I’ll tell you about two advantages. First, writing can decrease your stress. Based on the statement of James W. Penneabaker, He is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas. He said that, “The people’s mental condition that used to expressing emotion by write are more stable than they are not”. So, If you have any problem that are unspoken, writing can help u to say your unspoken problem. Second, increase creativity. By writing, your creativity will increase automatically. You can grow up your imagination by word. Just write whatever comes to your head, and your mind will redirecting you to make writings. You can try that in everywhere.

That is the advantages of writing.

Next, let me describe why writing is so important for knowledge. Like as my speech before, “Tie knowledge by writing it down..!”. You have to remember, Your knowledge is your ‘jariah’, that’s continuous. You can’t hold it. Knowledge is an everyone’s right. You can share your knowledge by write it down. For example, you can write an article, or posting your knowledgeable writings on your social media. Believe it, you are nothing without your knowledge, and your knowledge is nothing if you didn’t share.

In conclusion, writing is an exploration. You can get minimal two advantages by writing. There are, your stress will decrease, and your creativity will increase. You have been known that knowledge is so important and an everyone’s right. So, don’t hold them..! I suggest you, Lets share our knowledge..! I think, an easy way to do that is writing. So, lets enjoy writing..!

Ok, I think that’s enough. Thank you for your attention..

The Impact of Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance


The Impact of Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance

Many students listen to music to alleviate the emotional effects of stress and anxiety when engaged in complex cognitive processing, such as studying for a test, completing homework assignments, or while reading and writing. This practice is so common that it would be beneficial for college students to understand the role that music plays on cognitive performance. Research demonstrating the effects of music on performance is well documented, but have shown ambiguous evidence on this matter. In studies conducted to learn about the effects of musical distraction on cognitive task performance, the findings have demonstrated the idea of music improving cognitive performance (Cockerton, Moore, & Norman, 1997), but there has also been research contradicting those results, where music was found distracting for participants performing cognitive tasks (Furnham & Bradley, 1997). However, with the plethora of music genres available to music listeners, it is important to understand how different types of music impact performance. Additionally, very few studies address the interaction between the intensity or volume of the music played and its effect on cognitive processing. The present study aims to understand the effect of listening to different genres of music played at different volume levels on cognitive task performance.

Many students choose to listen to a preferred genre of music when they study or do their homework without understanding the potential harmful effects of such practice. A study conducted by Smith and Morris (1977) addressed this question by studying the effects of sedative and stimulative music. The study focused on the influence these two distinct genres of music have on performance, anxiety, and concentration. Participants had to indicate their preferred genre and were requested to repeat a set of numbers backwards while listening to either the stimulative, sedative, or no music. The results indicated that participants performed worse while listening to their preferred type of music. Additionally, in the no music condition, participants performed best. These results indicate that a preferred type of music can serve as a distracting factor when one is engaged in a cognitively demanding task perhaps due to the fact that less cognitive resources are available when the attention is drawn to the lyrics, emotions, and memories that such music can evoke. Participants who listened to sedative music performed better than participants who listened to simulative music and worse than those who listened to no music at all. These results indicated that stimulative music is a stronger distractor and obstructs cognitive processing more than sedative music does.

Sabtu, 29 November 2014

composition (plural compositions)

composition (plural compositions)
  1. The general makeup of something.
  2. (obsolete) An agreement or treaty used to settle differences; later especially, an agreement to stop hostilities; a truce
  3. The proportion of different parts to make a whole.
  4. (obsolete) An agreement to pay money in order to clear a liability or obligation; a settling. [16th-19th c.]
  5. (law) an agreement or compromise by which a creditor or group of creditors accepts partial payment from a debtor.
  6. A mixture or compound; the result of composing. [from 16th c.]
  7. An essay. [from 16th c.]
  8. (linguistics) The formation of compound words from separate words. [from 16th c.]
  9. A work of music, literature or art. [from 17th c.]
  10. (printing) Typesetting. [from 19th c.]
  11. (mathematics) Applying a function to the result of another.
  12. (obsolete) Consistency; accord; congruity.
  13. Synthesis as opposed to analysis.


Everybody immediately responds to subject matter in art. 

A picture of a butterfly and a picture of a snake do not get the same response.
In addition to subject matter*, the formal aspects of visual composition are like the grammar of a language. In writing, a story is written with words - subject matter. Like good literature and good poetry is more than words and subject matter, art is more than pictures. The organization, the sentence structure, the style, and so on can make or break a good story. In art, the way the formal elements are arranged can make or break a good picture idea.

The use of design principles applied to the visual elements is like visual grammar. When children learn art, it is like learning to read and write the language of vision. When they develop a style of expressing visual ideas, it helps them become visual poets. Looking for the visual effects of design principles does not have to limit an artist's options. It can focus an artist's experimentation and choice making.


  1. a:  the act or process of composing; specifically :  arrangement into specific proportion or relation and especially into artistic form
    b (1) :  the arrangement of type for printing <hand composition>
    (2) :  the production of type or typographic characters (as in photocomposition) arranged for printing
:  the manner in which something is composed
b :  general makeup <the changing ethnic composition of the city — Leonard Buder>
c :  the qualitative and quantitative makeup of a chemical compound
:  mutual settlement or agreement
:  a product of mixing or combining various elements or ingredients
:  an intellectual creation: as
a :  a piece of writing; especially :  a school exercise in the form of a brief essay
b :  a written piece of music especially of considerable size and complexity
:  the quality or state of being compound
:  the operation of forming a composite function; also :  composite function


Word Origin and History for composition
late 14c., "action of combining," also "manner in which a thing is composed," from Old French composicion (13c., Modern French composition) "composition, make-up, literary work, agreement, settlement," from Latin compositionem (nominative compositio) "a putting together, connecting, arranging," noun of action from past participle stem of componere (see composite ). Meaning "art of constructing sentences" is from 1550s; that of "literary production" (often also "writing exercise for students") is from c.1600. Printing sense is 1832; meaning "arrangement of parts in a picture" is from 1706.



In the visual arts—in particular painting, graphic design, photography, and sculpture—composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art.
The term composition means 'putting together,' and can apply to any work of art, from music to writing to photography, that is arranged or put together using conscious thought. In the visual arts, composition is often used interchangeably with various terms such as design, form, visual ordering, or formal structure, depending on the context. In graphic design for press and desktop publishing composition is commonly referred to as page layout

Reseach Metdhology

What is case study research?

Whilst it is possible for dissertations to be entirely literature-based, the most common form of dissertation takes the form of a case study. Here the focus of attention is on a particular community, organisation or set of documents. The attraction of this kind of dissertation is that it stems from empirical curiosity but is at the same time practical. You may be interested in a wider question but a case study enables you to focus on a specific example. A major challenge in case study dissertations is connecting your own primary research or re-analysis with the broader theoretical themes and empirical concerns of the existing literature.

What's an empirical study?

Most dissertations demand either primary or secondary research. In other words, you usually have to analyse data that you have either collected yourself or data that is already available. The reason for this is that the questions dissertations usually address take the following form: Is x happening? Is x changing? Why is x happening? Why is x changing? These questions demand primary or secondary analysis of data.




The way you approach your question will have a profound effect upon the way you construct your dissertation, so this section discusses the types of research you might undertake for your dissertation.  The use of literature and case studies is considered and the merits of primary research are debated and advice is given on the use of existing research data. You may not be fond of statistics, but the potential relevance of a quantitative approach should be considered and similarly, the idea of qualitative analysis and conducting your own research may yield valuable data. The possibilities of using quantitative and qualitative data are also discussed.

Reseach Methodology



Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques

A methodology does not set out to provide solutions - it is, therefore, not the same thing as a method. Instead, it offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods or so called “best practices” can be applied to specific case, for example, to calculate a specific result.
It has been defined also as follows:
  1. "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline";
  2. "the systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within a discipline"
  3. "the study or description of methods"



The article presents the programme of 'subjectively'-oriented cognitive semantics. The programme was launched about twenty years ago and has been consistently developed by its author, his co-workers and followers ever since. The tenets of author's cognitive grammar concern the conceptual and subject-oriented nature of meaning, the question of linguistic meanings vis-a-vis the knowledge of the world, and above all the view of meaning as embedded in the network of 'categorial relations'. This programmatic article contains important and still inspiring conceptions of linguistic imagery (or construal), its dimensions, such as the level of specificity (the detail, 'granularity', or resolution) of the image, its scope of predication, the role of compositional paths in interpreting meanings, the notion of 'perspective' and the mental construction of spaces by the conceptualizing and speaking subject.

Jumat, 28 November 2014


Musical experience shapes human brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch patterns

Music and speech are very cognitively demanding auditory phenomena generally attributed to cortical rather than subcortical circuitry. We examined brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch and found that musicians show more robust and faithful encoding compared with nonmusicians. These results not only implicate a common subcortical manifestation for two presumed cortical functions, but also a possible reciprocity of corticofugal speech and music tuning, providing neurophysiological explanations for musicians' higher language-learning ability.
  1. The Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  2. Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  3. Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  4. Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University, 2240 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3540, USA.
  5. These authors contributed equally to this work


Linguistic has related to the people because it studies about language, it is mean that linguistic focus in language how the language formed, meaning and context. This is study, just focus in structure or grammar of language especially in morphology aspect. “The first subfield of linguistics is the study of language structure, or grammar. This focuses on the system of rules followed by the users of a language. It includes the study of morphology (the formation and composition of words), syntax (the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from these words), and phonology (sound systems)” 
People must understand structure of language and can use it as well as possible; language is needed by people so far they need to interaction with each other. Therefore, we must understand it. People not only understand but also how the way uses a good language to commutate each other. As we see today, communication is very need by all people because first tool of interaction is language. Wedrana Mihalicek et al (2011: 7) said “when you use language, you use it to communicate an idea from your mind to the mind of some else”.
Human life in the world need to interaction with the other people to cover our need. In addition, we cannot life as individual in this world and we must make interaction and communication each other. In their interaction and communication, we must use tool to understand what we want. Language as a toll of communication so if we understand and be able to use it as well as we can interact and communicate with each other but if we do not understand and cannot use it as well as, we cannot interact and communicate with them.
As we know in our interaction, language as tool of communication to express our need like thoughts and feeling and this fact like A.S Hornby (1995: 662) say “language is system of sounds and word used by human to express their thoughts and feeling“. Therefore, we must learn language to understand people’s thoughts and feeling and to understand and use language we must understand the pattern because language has some of pattern to construct it sentence, phrase and word, like how to mike like become dislike. English is one of popular language in this era and English has some of pattern to construct it word, phrase and sentences.
One of pattern in English language about how a word has same meanings because of addition some of Alfa bates in beginning or end of word. This pattern called morphology in English. Morphology in English language has different processes and some of them make new meaning and part of speech.

Reseach Methodology

 Reseach Methodology

A. Methodology of the Researh This paper conducts an experimental method. Some views on the definition of the experimental method stated as follow: Surakhmad (1989:29) states that: “Experimental research is the method of the research which explain the data for predicting the events in the future”
Suryabrata (2003:58) states that experimental design is; “The experiment research is oriented to observe possibility of causal- effect by giving treatment to on or more experimental groups, within it on or more condition of treatment trying to compare the result of the samples”
Base on the statement above, the writer could determine that experimental research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the possibility of causal-effect by giving treatment to compare the result. The method that used in this research is descriptive quantitative method, where it uses a field as an object observation describing a situation in the present time. In this paper, the writer tries to find out significance between the implementation of the role-play in teaching learning activities, and it significance in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

B. Population and Sample 1. Population According to H. Muhammad Ali, (1992:5) “If the sample really represent of population, what is known about the sample is our knowledge of the population. The implication is, if the research which used really represent of population, so done generally to the population”.
While according to Arikunto, (1998:115-117) states that: “Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of population”.
In this case, the writer has chosen the seventh grade of SMP Negeri I Indramayu.
2.Sample The sample to be investigated is taken randomly. The number of sample is 40 students as the experimental or as an experimental group. In this case the writer chooses 40 students as the control group as the comparer to the sample.

C. Place and Time
The place of research that conducted by the writer is; SMP Negeri I – Indramayu. The observation is done on March 6, up to 6 of June 2009.

D. Data Collection To get collecting the objective data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:
1.Observation Observation or Study is an activity to do measuring, by using some instruments or questions to get the data. In this paper, the writer will observe the things that relate to the research process, which can support result of the data such as the condition of class, the students’ capacity in English skill or the condition of population, the technique of teaching vocabulary, the material, and the realia using in the class.
2.Test The writer observes variables and collects the data by using test as the main instrument. It consists of: 1.The Pre test 2.The Post test a.Pre-test: the first test before the writer applies the method teaching vocabulary by used the Mapping Words technique. b.Post-test: the second test after the writer applied the method teaching of vocabulary by used the Mapping words technique, to know how far distinction of developing student’s mastery in vocabulary. 3.Questionnaires The questionnaires are one of the research instruments. The writer uses the open questioner. It’s only for the English teacher, where the aim to know how far the relationship among methods. The writer has determined the answer to be marked by the respondents (teachers).the writer takes some questions as the research instrument as follows. 1)To dig information deeply, about teaching and learning process. 2)The result is easy to be reported. 3)The respondents will return the questioner quickly

D.Reseach method that will be carried out in experimental research methodology, so the writer will analyses the data by using the formula that explained by Suharsimi Arikunto as follows: Where: t = Test score M= Mean of each group N= Number of subjects X= Deviation of X1 and X2 Y= Deviation of Y1 and Y2



Competent translators show the following attributes:
  • a very good knowledge of the language, written and spoken, from which they are translating (the source language);
  • an excellent command of the language into which they are translating (the target language);
  • familiarity with the subject matter of the text being translated;
  • a profound understanding of the etymological and idiomatic correlates between the two languages; and
  • a finely tuned sense of when to metaphrase ("translate literally") and when to paraphrase, so as to assure true rather than spurious equivalents between the source- and target-language texts.
A competent translator is not only bilingual but bicultural. A language is not merely a collection of words and of rules of grammar and syntax for generating sentences, but also a vast interconnecting system of connotations and cultural references whose mastery, writes linguist Mario Pei, "comes close to being a lifetime job.
The complexity of the translator's task cannot be overstated; one author suggests that becoming an accomplished translator — after having already acquired a good basic knowledge of both languages and cultures — may require a minimum of ten years' experience. Viewed in this light, it is a serious misconception to assume that a person who has fair fluency in two languages will, by virtue of that fact alone, be consistently competent to translate between them.
The translator's role in relation to a text has been compared to that of an artist, e.g., a musician or actor, who interprets a work of art. Translation, like other arts, inescapably involves choice, and choice implies interpretation English-language novelist Joseph Conrad advised his niece and Polish translator Aniela Zagórska:
[D]on't trouble to be too scrupulous... I may tell you (in French) that in my opinion "il vaut mieux interpréter que traduire" ["it is better to interpret than to translate"].... Il s'agit donc de trouver les équivalents. Et là, ma chère, je vous prie laissez vous guider plutôt par votre tempérament que par une conscience sévère.... [It is, then, a question of finding the equivalent expressions. And there, my dear, I beg you to let yourself be guided more by your temperament than by a strict conscience.

Translation Definition

Translation Definition

Translation is a term used in geometry to describe a function that moves an object a certain distance. The object is not altered in any other way. It is not rotated, reflected or re-sized.

In a translation, every point of the object must be moved in the same direction and for the same distance.
When you are performing a translation, the initial object is called the pre-image, and the object after the translation is called the image. So, in the picture above, the rust-colored item is the pre-image, and the blue item is the image. We know this because the arrow tells us the direction in which the image was moved. For other images, you might be told which image is the pre-image, or you might be asked to find either the pre-image from the image, or vice versa.

How to Perform Translations

When working with translation problems, the information may be presented in different ways.
You may be given a figure drawn on the coordinate plane like this:

Then you will be asked to translate the figure. You will be given a distance and direction for the transformation.
For example, translate the figure down 7.
The way to do this is to take each vertex point individually and count down 7. So the point at (1, 5) will move to (1, -2). Notice we did not move the vertex along the x-axis, or horizontal direction. The instructions asked us to move it down only, along the y-axis.

Definisi about Structure

 Definisi about Structure

Structure is a powerful add-on that lets you create pages, generate navigation, manage content through a simple interface and build robust sites faster than ever. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates “static” and “listing” pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. Now, traditional page style content and multiple entry pages can live within the same area. Your clients & authors will rejoice.



1. the manner in which something is constructed.
2. the manner in which the elements of anything are organized or interrelated: the structure of a poem; the structure of protein.
3. something constructed, as a building or bridge.
4. anything composed of organized or interrelated elements.
5. the construction and arrangement of body parts, tissues, or organs.
a. the attitude of a bed or stratum or of beds or strata of sedimentary rocks, as indicated by the dip and strike.
b. the coarser composition of a rock, as contrasted with its texture.
7. the manner in which atoms in a molecule are joined to each other, esp. as represented in organic chemistry.
8. the pattern or system of beliefs, relationships, institutions, etc., in a social group or society.
9. to give a structure to; organize.


  1. mode of building, construction, or organization; arrangement of parts, elements, or constituents:a pyramidal structure.
  2. something built or constructed, as a building, bridge, or dam.a complex system considered from the point of view of the whole rather than of any single part:
  3. the structure of modern science.
  4. anything composed of parts arranged together in some way; an organization.
  5. the relationship or organization of the component parts of a work of art or literature:
  6. the structure of a poem.
  7. Biology. mode of organization; construction and arrangement of tissues, parts, or organs. 7. Geology.
  8. the attitude of a bed or stratum or of beds or strata of sedimentary rocks, as indicated by the dip and strike.
  9. the coarser composition of a rock, as contrasted with its texture.


Another proof that he was a native of the universal country was apparent in the fact of his knowing no other Italian words than the terms used in music, and which like the "goddam" of Figaro, served all possible linguistic requirements.
In the following lectures, accordingly, this term will disappear until we have dealt with words, when it will re-emerge as mainly a trivial and unimportant outcome of linguistic habits.



Listening is often confused with hearing. While hearing is a process that can be scientifically explained, listening is a neurological cognitive regarding the processing of auditory stimuli received by the auditory system.

Roland Barthes, a linguist, distinguishes between hearing and listening, stating, "Hearing is a physiological phenomenon; listening is a psychological act." Barthes also states that "whereas for centuries listening could be defined as an intentional act of it is granted the power (and virtually the function) of playing over unknown spaces " including unconscious forms.[1] Hearing is always occurring, most of the time subconsciously. Listening is the interpretative action taken by the listener in order to understand and potentially make meaning out of the sound waves. Listening can be understood on three levels: alerting, deciphering, and an understanding of how the sound is produced and how the sound affects the listener.[2]
Alerting, the first level, does nothing to distinguish human from animal. At the alerting level one merely picks up on certain environmental sound cues. While discussing this level, Barthes mentions the idea of territory being demarcated by sounds. This is best explained using the example of one's home. One's home, for instance, has certain sounds associated with it that make it familiar and comfortable. An intrusion sound (e.g. a squeaking door or floorboard, a breaking window) alerts the dweller of the home to the potential danger.

In a metaphorical way, deciphering, the second level, is to listening what digestion is to eating. An example of this level is that of a child waiting for the sound of his mother's return home. In this scenario the child is waiting to pick up on sound cues (e.g. jingling keys, the turn of the doorknob, etc.) that will mark his mother's approach.

About Active Listening

About Active Listening

The way to improve your listening skills is to practice "active listening." This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent.
In order to do this you must pay attention to the other person very carefully.
You cannot allow yourself to become distracted by whatever else may be going on around you, or by forming counter arguments that you'll make when the other person stops speaking. Nor can you allow yourself to get bored, and lose focus on what the other person is saying. All of these contribute to a lack of listening and understanding.


If you're finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, try repeating their words mentally as they say them – this will reinforce their message and help you stay focused.


Hear What People are Really Saying

Improve your active listening skills,
with James Manktelow & Amy Carlson.
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others.
For instance:
  • We listen to obtain information.
  • We listen to understand.
  • We listen for enjoyment.
  • We listen to learn.
Given all this listening we do, you would think we'd be good at it! In fact most of us are not, and research suggests that we remember between 25 percent and 50 percent of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. This is dismal!
Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren't hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured in your 25-50 percent, but what if they're not?
Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate. What's more, you'll avoid conflict and misunderstandings. All of these are necessary for workplace success!

Free Sex

Free Sex

The honorable our english teacher Ms. Meuti Pebriani S.Pd, and for you all my belove friends. (Addresses).

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Greeting).

First of all, i would like to say thanks for my god SWT who gives me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And thanks for prophet Muhammad SAW who gives me health. So i can stand in front of you all to speak about Free Sex. (Opening).

First of all, we must know clearly that free sex, free sex is sexual intercourse by married couple, and it is not natural for unmarried couple or teenagers in secondary school age, have free sex.
Second, those are the impact of promiscuity, which originated from the parents who just busy with their jobs. So their teenage child receive less attention and affection. The teens didn’t get moral education from their parents, the teenagers are also less in spirituality knowledge, so their faith is weak.
Third, promiscuity causes teens feel free to do whatever they thing their parents will not know if they do things that are not good such as smoking, drugs, liquor, and of course free sex. And from their friends to see pornographic images from magazines, and watch video. Without considering the impact that will happen afterwards, and without remembering their sins to god.

In conclusion. I would like to express that so my belove friends, don’t do sex before your married, because it will damage your future. (Closing).

And thanks for your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).

Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

 The honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a lecture, and all my belove friends. (Addresses).

Good evening everybody. (Greeting).

First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT due to all of his grace and blessing upon as all. Sholawat and salam may everlastingly upon our aduration great prophet Muhammad SAW. I also would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And then i would like to speak about Sexual Abuse. (Opening).

First of all,child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Sexual offenders are usually more likely a relative or acquaintance of the victim of the foreigners. Violations more generally done by men compared to women.
Second, child sexual abuse in addition, the provisions of article 80 ayat (1) UU child protection has also been specifically address chile abuse. By stating : anyone committing atrocities, violence or threats of violence, or child abuse in the criminal with a maximum imprisonmen of 3 years and 6 month or fine to most 72.000.000,-
Third, for parents the following are the features of children who experience sexual abuse: 1.Frequent nightmare, sleeplessness and delirium during sleep. 2. After isolate themselves and looked more glum. 3. No longer  tell its activities in elderly and so quiet. 4. Often feel insecure. 5. And suddenly become a rebel or just full of secrets.

In conclusion. I would like to express that sexual abuse of children we recommend that as parents have to be extra careful keeping children from sexual abuse that could interfere with their  future and fill them with a strong and parental affection and attention for the future of our children. (Closing).

And then thank you a lot of your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).

Gang Dolly

Gang Dolly

The honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a lecture, and all my belove friends. (Addresses).

Good evening everybody. (Greeting). 
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT due to all of his grace and blessing upon as all. Sholawat and salam may everlastingly upon our aduration great prophet Muhammad SAW. I also would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And then i would like to speak about Sexual Abuse. (Opening).

First of all, I would deliver  about contect gang dolly. The first iam going to make concern about gang dolly in surabaya famous since belanda periode  and in a business by a women diceline belanda and then known as Dolly van der mart. Diceline from dolly until now still own in surabaya. Be mixed with occupation who solid in area surabaya. Dolly becomes source luck for side much not just for working sexs, but also owner shop, smoke peddle, seconhand dealer, etc. 

Second, part will concert gang dolly or dolly is a name for prostitution area which located in surabaya, jawa east, indonesia. In this area attraction women in room glass, upon the time this location  is the bigest south east asia, and bigger from patpong in bangkok, tailand, and geylang in singapore.
In conclusion. I would like to express that gang dolly in order that deragate prostitution women in gang dolly. So that generation will not join in that action and indonesia will be better. (Closing).

And then thank you a lot of your attention, Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).

Senin, 24 November 2014

Example about speech


Good morning, Ladies and Gentleman..
Our beloved Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)’s glorius teaching us, he said, “Knowledge is like a camel, if you don’t tie it, it will get lost in the desert”. This statement is explained in an other hadith of Abu Dawud, “Tie knowledge by writing it down...” for me, Life is vacation, and “Writing is my vacation from living” (Eugene O’Neill). How about you..?

I am going to talk today about writing, one of the popular hobby. Writing is an exploration. You can write everything. All about your knowledge, life, feel, or imagination maybe. You can know that writing is so important.

First I’ll explain about the advantages of writing and then why that is so important for knowledge.

First, what is the advantage of writing..? As long as we know, Writing has many advantages. But, I’ll tell you about two advantages. First, writing can decrease your stress. Based on the statement of James W. Penneabaker, He is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Texas. He said that, “The people’s mental condition that used to expressing emotion by write are more stable than they are not”. So, If you have any problem that are unspoken, writing can help u to say your unspoken problem. Second, increase creativity. By writing, your creativity will increase automatically. You can grow up your imagination by word. Just write whatever comes to your head, and your mind will redirecting you to make writings. You can try that in everywhere.

That is the advantages of writing.

Next, let me describe why writing is so important for knowledge. Like as my speech before, “Tie knowledge by writing it down..!”. You have to remember, Your knowledge is your ‘jariah’, that’s continuous. You can’t hold it. Knowledge is an everyone’s right. You can share your knowledge by write it down. For example, you can write an article, or posting your knowledgeable writings on your social media. Believe it, you are nothing without your knowledge, and your knowledge is nothing if you didn’t share.

In conclusion, writing is an exploration. You can get minimal two advantages by writing. There are, your stress will decrease, and your creativity will increase. You have been known that knowledge is so important and an everyone’s right. So, don’t hold them..! I suggest you, Lets share our knowledge..! I think, an easy way to do that is writing. So, lets enjoy writing..!

Ok, I think that’s enough. Thank you for your attention..

The Impact of Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance

The Impact of Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance

Many students listen to music to alleviate the emotional effects of stress and anxiety when engaged in complex cognitive processing, such as studying for a test, completing homework assignments, or while reading and writing. This practice is so common that it would be beneficial for college students to understand the role that music plays on cognitive performance. Research demonstrating the effects of music on performance is well documented, but have shown ambiguous evidence on this matter. In studies conducted to learn about the effects of musical distraction on cognitive task performance, the findings have demonstrated the idea of music improving cognitive performance (Cockerton, Moore, & Norman, 1997), but there has also been research contradicting those results, where music was found distracting for participants performing cognitive tasks (Furnham & Bradley, 1997). However, with the plethora of music genres available to music listeners, it is important to understand how different types of music impact performance. Additionally, very few studies address the interaction between the intensity or volume of the music played and its effect on cognitive processing. The present study aims to understand the effect of listening to different genres of music played at different volume levels on cognitive task performance.

Many students choose to listen to a preferred genre of music when they study or do their homework without understanding the potential harmful effects of such practice. A study conducted by Smith and Morris (1977) addressed this question by studying the effects of sedative and stimulative music. The study focused on the influence these two distinct genres of music have on performance, anxiety, and concentration. Participants had to indicate their preferred genre and were requested to repeat a set of numbers backwards while listening to either the stimulative, sedative, or no music. The results indicated that participants performed worse while listening to their preferred type of music. Additionally, in the no music condition, participants performed best. These results indicate that a preferred type of music can serve as a distracting factor when one is engaged in a cognitively demanding task perhaps due to the fact that less cognitive resources are available when the attention is drawn to the lyrics, emotions, and memories that such music can evoke. Participants who listened to sedative music performed better than participants who listened to simulative music and worse than those who listened to no music at all. These results indicated that stimulative music is a stronger distractor and obstructs cognitive processing more than sedative music does.