Reseach Methodology
Suryabrata (2003:58) states that experimental design is; “The experiment research is oriented to observe possibility of causal- effect by giving treatment to on or more experimental groups, within it on or more condition of treatment trying to compare the result of the samples”
Base on the statement above, the writer could determine that experimental research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the possibility of causal-effect by giving treatment to compare the result. The method that used in this research is descriptive quantitative method, where it uses a field as an object observation describing a situation in the present time. In this paper, the writer tries to find out significance between the implementation of the role-play in teaching learning activities, and it significance in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
B. Population and Sample 1. Population According to H. Muhammad Ali, (1992:5) “If the sample really represent of population, what is known about the sample is our knowledge of the population. The implication is, if the research which used really represent of population, so done generally to the population”.
While according to Arikunto, (1998:115-117) states that: “Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of population”.
In this case, the writer has chosen the seventh grade of SMP Negeri I Indramayu.
2.Sample The sample to be investigated is taken randomly. The number of sample is 40 students as the experimental or as an experimental group. In this case the writer chooses 40 students as the control group as the comparer to the sample.
C. Place and Time
The place of research that conducted by the writer is; SMP Negeri I – Indramayu. The observation is done on March 6, up to 6 of June 2009.
D. Data Collection To get collecting the objective data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:
1.Observation Observation or Study is an activity to do measuring, by using some instruments or questions to get the data. In this paper, the writer will observe the things that relate to the research process, which can support result of the data such as the condition of class, the students’ capacity in English skill or the condition of population, the technique of teaching vocabulary, the material, and the realia using in the class.
2.Test The writer observes variables and collects the data by using test as the main instrument. It consists of: 1.The Pre test 2.The Post test a.Pre-test: the first test before the writer applies the method teaching vocabulary by used the Mapping Words technique. b.Post-test: the second test after the writer applied the method teaching of vocabulary by used the Mapping words technique, to know how far distinction of developing student’s mastery in vocabulary. 3.Questionnaires The questionnaires are one of the research instruments. The writer uses the open questioner. It’s only for the English teacher, where the aim to know how far the relationship among methods. The writer has determined the answer to be marked by the respondents (teachers).the writer takes some questions as the research instrument as follows. 1)To dig information deeply, about teaching and learning process. 2)The result is easy to be reported. 3)The respondents will return the questioner quickly
D.Reseach method that will be carried out in experimental research methodology, so the writer will analyses the data by using the formula that explained by Suharsimi Arikunto as follows: Where: t = Test score M= Mean of each group N= Number of subjects X= Deviation of X1 and X2 Y= Deviation of Y1 and Y2
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