Sexual Abuse
honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a lecture, and all my belove friends. (Addresses).
Good evening everybody. (Greeting).
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude
to Allah SWT due to all of his grace and blessing upon as all. Sholawat and
salam may everlastingly upon our aduration great prophet Muhammad SAW. I also
would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to say few words at this
seminar. And then i would like to speak about Sexual Abuse. (Opening).
First of all,child sexual abuse is a form of
child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual
stimulation. Sexual offenders are usually more likely a relative or
acquaintance of the victim of the foreigners. Violations more generally done by
men compared to women.
Second, child sexual abuse in addition, the
provisions of article 80 ayat (1) UU child protection has also been
specifically address chile abuse. By stating : anyone committing atrocities,
violence or threats of violence, or child abuse in the criminal with a maximum
imprisonmen of 3 years and 6 month or fine to most 72.000.000,-
Third, for parents the following are the
features of children who experience sexual abuse: 1.Frequent nightmare,
sleeplessness and delirium during sleep. 2. After isolate themselves and looked
more glum. 3. No longer tell its
activities in elderly and so quiet. 4. Often feel insecure. 5. And suddenly become
a rebel or just full of secrets.
In conclusion. I would like to express that
sexual abuse of children we recommend that as parents have to be extra careful
keeping children from sexual abuse that could interfere with their future and fill them with a strong and
parental affection and attention for the future of our children. (Closing).
And then thank you a lot of your attention,
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).
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