Gang Dolly
The honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a
lecture, and all my belove friends. (Addresses).
Good evening everybody. (Greeting).
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude
to Allah SWT due to all of his grace and blessing upon as all. Sholawat and
salam may everlastingly upon our aduration great prophet Muhammad SAW. I also
would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to say few words at this
seminar. And then i would like to speak about Sexual Abuse.
First of all, I would deliver about contect gang dolly. The first iam going
to make concern about gang dolly in surabaya famous since belanda periode and in a business by a women diceline belanda
and then known as Dolly van der mart. Diceline from dolly until now still own
in surabaya. Be mixed with occupation who solid in area surabaya. Dolly becomes
source luck for side much not just for working sexs, but also owner shop, smoke
peddle, seconhand dealer, etc.
Second, part will concert gang dolly or dolly is
a name for prostitution area which located in surabaya, jawa east, indonesia.
In this area attraction women in room glass, upon the time this location is the bigest south east asia, and bigger
from patpong in bangkok, tailand, and geylang in singapore.
In conclusion. I would like to express that gang
dolly in order that deragate prostitution women in gang dolly. So that
generation will not join in that action and indonesia will be better. (Closing).
And then thank you a lot of your attention,
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).
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