Free Sex
The honorable our english teacher Ms. Meuti
Pebriani S.Pd, and for you all my belove friends. (Addresses).
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Greeting).
First of all, i would like to say thanks for my
god SWT who gives me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And
thanks for prophet Muhammad SAW who gives me health. So i can stand in front of
you all to speak about Free Sex.
First of all, we must know clearly that free
sex, free sex is sexual intercourse by married couple, and it is not natural for
unmarried couple or teenagers in secondary school age, have free sex.
Second, those are the impact of promiscuity,
which originated from the parents who just busy with their jobs. So their
teenage child receive less attention and affection. The teens didn’t get moral
education from their parents, the teenagers are also less in spirituality
knowledge, so their faith is weak.
Third, promiscuity causes teens feel free to do
whatever they thing their parents will not know if they do things that are not
good such as smoking, drugs, liquor, and of course free sex. And from their
friends to see pornographic images from magazines, and watch video. Without
considering the impact that will happen afterwards, and without remembering
their sins to god.
In conclusion. I would like to express that so
my belove friends, don’t do sex before your married, because it will damage
your future. (Closing).
And thanks for your attention, Wassalamualaikum
Wr.Wb. (Thanking).
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