The honorable Ms Meuti Pebriani S.Pd as a lecture,
and all my belove friends. (Addresses).
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Greeting).
First of all, i would like to say thanks for my god
SWT who gives me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar. And thanks
for prophet Muhammad SAW who gives me health. I would like to speak about Black
Campaign. (Opening).
First of all, After getting the number two as
condidates for president and vice president, Jokowi dodo and Jusuf kalla,
directly tomanever to some area in indonesia. However, in addition and support
of the couple also have donated promotional campaign to support the success of
the couple to the public.
Second, the uniqueness of the fundraising done with the
Barack Obama’s campaign team was successful in gathering power of the
individual, rather than Romney who at the time was getting campaign
contributions most of the institutions and several campanies, and Jokowi dodo
has also been done in order by way of face to face with public from all walk of
life. (Body)
Third, which pair number two has their own way of
campaign by thencommunity and willing to campaign in remote area, condidates
president Jokowi dodo and Jusuf kalla their choice to campaign in culture
In conclusion, i would like to express that select
the president who can make a better indonesia and whoever the president the
most important thing, he can make indonesia more aduanced than previously, and
remember don’t choose a false choise president to indonesia. (Closing).
And then thank you a lot of your attention,
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. (Thanking).
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